Buddhist Centre Trip

On Tuesday 26th March 2019 Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Terling C of E Primary School went to the Buddhist Centre in London. We saw a shrine room and we had to take our shoes off. My favourite part of the trip was meditation. We learnt that Buddhists change their name when they are adorned.

- By Nicky, James W and James S, Year 3/4

Maya Butcher said that her favourite part was the shrine room and that you could tell what religion it was due to the cushions all being stacked up along the sides.

Lok Adds enjoyed the meditation, we sat with our legs crossed and cupped our hands in our lap.

Saskia Pickering said she enjoyed the 3 minute breathing space where we had to focus on the sound, different parts of our body and then our breathing.

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