Governing Body

The Governors are responsible for the conduct of the school, and for promoting high standards. We aim to ensure that your children are attending a successful school which supports their wellbeing and provides them with a good education. We set the strategic direction of the school, we challenge and support by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating and we ensure accountability by working with the Headteacher regarding the school’s performance.

The main work of the Governing Body is carried out through committees which meet at least once a term. During these meetings the many policies which relate to all aspects of the life and work of the school are discussed and agreed. We also discuss, approve and monitor the School Development Plan - the ‘working document’ which tells us what is happening now and sets out our plans for the future. The Headteacher keeps us very well informed about all aspects of school life. We also visit the school on a regular basis.

The Governing Body is responsible for the appointment and performance management of the Headteacher who, in turn, is responsible for the implementation of the policies and the day to day running of the school, including managing all the staff.

Governor's Secure Area

Governing Body Membership



Appointed by

Term of Office starts

Term of Office ends

Committee Positions of Responsibility

Mrs Elizabeth Millard


Diocesan Board of Education




Pupil Premium

Looked After Children



Mr Andrew Redmond Foundation Diocesan Board of Education 14.02.2020 13.02.2024 Chair of Finance

Health & Safety

Mrs Ruth Santos-Brien

Local Authority

Essex County Council




Chair of Governors



Mrs Davinia Wynne Parent Parent Election 14.02.2020 31.01.2024  



Mrs Lisa Curtis Parent Parent Election 22.01.2021 21.01.2024  




Mr Andrew Sime Foundation Parochial Church Council 01/02/2024 31/01/2028    
Mrs Ann White Foundation Parochial Church Council 27/02/2024 26/02/2028    

Mrs Sarah Meares

Head Teacher




Attends all meetings  

Business Interests Register November 2023

Governor Attendance Record 2022-23



Former Members of the Governing Body



Appointed by

Term of Office Ended

Committee membership

Positions of Responsibility

Mrs Sarah McNamara Foundation Ex-officio 27.3.2024

Pay Appeals





Mrs Stacey Holden Foundation Parochial Church Council 3.11.2020




Sports Premium

Curriculum Assessment

Miss Kelly Hodkinson



Parent Parent Election 31.12.2020  



Parent Survey

Mr Mark Clayden



Foundation Parochial Church Council 9.3.2023



Sports Premium

Health & Safety


Mrs Annette Hurst Foundation Diocesan Board of Education 6.3.2023   SEND
Mr Andrew Sime Staff Staff Election 31.08.2023 Finance

Computing - Website

Staff Wellbeing Survey

Dr Alison Taylor Foundation Diocesan Board of Education 10.10.2019 08.01.2024

HT Performance Management




Contacting Us

Whilst we are very pleased to receive your views and suggestions, any matters regarding your own children or the day to day running of the school must be addressed to the Class Teachers in the first instance. If there are any issues that can’t be resolved please then talk to the Headteacher. If you need to contact us Miss Wright will pass on any emails or letters.

Annual Governance Statements

2022 Governance Statement

2021 Governance Statement

2020 Governance Statement


Governor Spotlight


Lis Millard (SEND/LAC/English/Computing)

Foundation Governor

Over the past few weeks my role as Governor has been very mixed. Part of my role is to attend full governor body meetings, one of which I attended in February. However, my role also allows me to visit school and see the wonderful work going on. I monitor a number of different areas at Terling, but this week I had the pleasure of seeing Computing in progress. I visited Fardings and Sandypits, who were carrying out a number of different tasks. It was really lovely to see Fardings having a go at 'physical computing'; connecting circuits up and operating a light system. 

Another benefit of being a governor means I can volunteer in school and come and see lots of other learning in practice. Every Friday I visit school, alongside others, and join the Taylors in their forest school session. We certainly get very muddy and have lots of fun outside crafting and building! As with all personnel in schools, governors are vital to the smooth running of education settings. 

If you or anyone else you know (education background not required) would like to join the team, please get in touch with our Chair of Governors Ruth Santos-Brien or Vice Chair Lisa Curtis.  

Lisa Curtis (Safeguarding/Art/DT)

Parent Governor

As Parent and Vice Chair of Governors, I have taken responsibility for monitoring Art, Design and Technology, as well as joint monitoring of SEN and Maths.  I took on the role of OPAL Governor, which has been exciting to be part of our journey in gaining Platinum accreditation. As part of my role in supporting OPAL, I applied for the Tesco Stronger Starts grant, which I am looking forward to seeing invested in more equipment for this initiative.  I undertake the parent survey at the end of each academic year, to gain your valuable feedback to see what we are doing well and where you think we can develop as a school.  I have enjoyed helping at Forest School sessions with Taylors in the Autumn term, which I see as a hugely valuable part of the curriculum to support their learning in a practical and healthy way, where they enjoy the outdoors and nature.  Being a Governor is are warding role, where I get to be part of our fantastic school community.

If you think you might like to be a Governor, please get in touch with myself or Ruth Santos-Brien, where we can tell you more about the role