Christmas Fayre 2016

Our Christmas Fayre was held after school last Friday, at Terling Village Hall. 

What a fantastic turnout!! There was everything from the ever popular tombola and raffle (with some superb festive prizes), to seasonal stalls, a hot chocolate bar, 'Elfie' pod and even Father Christmas himself managed to find time to pop in to our cosy grotto!

In just over an hour we managed to raise a total profit of £527.89 for our school, well done everybody!! The money raised will go towards creating book corners in the classrooms and to buy new books for the library.

The PTA would personally like to thank Becky Patel, Liz Fry, Emily Breen and Diane Wright for organising the event. Also all parents and staff who took the time to come and help set up, run a stall and clear away at the end (you know who you are!). A big thank you to all parents and pupils for donating such brilliant tombola prizes once again, and coming along to support the event on the day.

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