Monday - The children have all had a lovely afternoon in Danbury. They are all settled and have enjoyed their lunch and an activity this afternoon.

They are now enjoying their dinner.

Tuesday - The children have eaten a huge breakfast this morning including a cooked breakfast, cereal, yoghurt and toast. They have prepared for room inspection and have applied sun cream and brushed their teeth. They will be writing postcards, and rehearsing their play before lunch.

This afternoon they will be taking part in activities and Ms Bacon has reported that they are all in good spirits!

Wednesday - A great night sleep was had by all last night and lots of children had to be woken up in time for breakfast! All now fuelled up with sausage baguettes, croissants, toast and cereal. A very exciting day ahead: we have groups kayaking, canoeing, zip lining and bmxing. And the sun is shining on us!


Nicola Setford - They all look like they are having the best time - thank you x

Stevie - This is amazing!! Look at them all!!

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