District Sports Competition

On Monday 18th June, five children travelled to Chelmsford to take part in the District Athletics field events; long jump, high jump and throwing. They all performed really well with Emily Roberts taking 1st place in the high jump and Bethany 2nd in the long jump. Ben Carr won his long jump group and Jamie came 3rd in the boys' high jump. Greg performed well in the throwing event too.

On Friday 22nd June, twenty-two children from KS2 repeated the journey to CSAC to compete in theĀ track events and to hopefully add to our points total. The team were outstanding, all giving maximum effort, both in their own performances and in their support for their teammates. The children were given certificates if they finished in the top 3 and, by the end of the day, my bag was fit to burst! 16 children won certificates, which included elevenĀ 1st place finishes, but more importantly every single child did themselves and the school proud. In the end it was announced that we had finished 3rd overall, which is the first podium finish I can recall us achieving in the District Games.

Well done to all 22 of our 2018 Chelmsford District Athletics.

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