In year 5/6 for Enterprise week we split into groups of 4 or 5. Then we sat and talked about what Enterprise week was. Soon after, we filled in booklets. In them we saw some business people and what they do.
Then later that day, we did a team building exercise which consisted of building the tallest tower out of marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti. I don’t really know who won but it made a lot of mess. 
That afternoon our groups created slogans, products and   logos and we put them on a poster. We had £40 budget for ingredients but only the winning team would get it.
Days later we put together our pitch. It was fun making a play script to sell our product. We advertised them in from of the class and then voted.  The group Supremexito won and so now the class will come together and make their  product.
By Adam Lines (year 6)

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