We had the most amazing day at Hyde Hall on Wednesday!
Lewis led us to the education room and we talked about how we almost all ate a plant for breakfast, and how most of us are wearing plants too! We then thought about what birds need and we went on a hunt around Hyde Hall looking for food, water, shelter and different types of birds using clipboards. We then got given buckets and we looked for different coloured petals. The game was snap and swap, so we had to match the colour leaf to a colour chart then swap with a friend. The colours and smells of the plants were 'so lovely'. After that we went into the wooded area where we sorted our petals into colour groups and then we made a petal pattern. We then pretended to be birds, and we used pegs to pick up leaves, sticks, feathers and petals to build a birds nest. Then we had lunch! We had a beautiful picnic spot under the trees. After lunch we stayed in the education room, and we had 5 different activities to do. We made cress heads, crafted butterflies, traced patterns found on different seeds, explored the 'dead table' and did drawing and painting. What an incredible day! Everyone was so beautifully well behaved, and we definitely made the school proud with our flourishing and shining! 


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