On Wednesday, a man came in to school to talk about the Mayans. We did lots of fun activities!
Firstly, he talked about the civilisation and told us lots of facts including that the Mayans invented chocolate. We got to try some and it was very bitter - it was 85% cocoa. Some of my class actually liked it but I didn’t!
After break, we were put into groups of six and did some acting. We all had to work together and compromise. My group explained the rules of a Mayan game called Pok-O-Tok - it was very tricky! We also learnt the Mayan number system up to ten. Jack and Franklin went head to head in a competition.
After lunch, we performed our little plays and got rated out of five. Next, we got teachers involved!
Ms Bacon and Mrs Wynne were the rulers! Children got picked to be different objects and Ms Bacon got cross they didn’t worship her. Mrs Wynne even did some dancing! At the end of the day, everyone got to try on his headdress.
It was quite heavy! I really enjoyed the day!
By Zena (year 5)


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