Last Saturday, we took part in our first Do Day as part of the OPAL initiative for the benefit of all the children in the school. It was wonderful to see a hive of activity at the school, with parents, grandparents, pupils, staff and governors giving up their Saturday to help improve the school site and give Mr Kev a hand in building his amazing creations. We had a lot of painting (we won't mention the gazebo), filling of tyres for small world adventures, building of the performance stage, creating platforms in the pond area, building boot stores, clearing old sheds, creating a new digging area for the pupils, sewing cushions for the gazebo and lets not forget the amazing mud kitchen area built by Mohsen, which we hope pupils will really enjoy using. This has been a really wonderful project to be part of and we hope it will inspire the pupils' play times and build confidence and collaboration. We were lucky that the rain held off until the end of the day, when we were rewarded with a beautiful double rainbow.
There is still more to do, so if you wanted to help but couldn't, watch this space for more Do Days and afternoons in the summer term, where we can roll up our sleeves. Mr Kev deserves a special mention for all he has done around the school and his creativity in inventing imaginative and inspiring areas. Thank you to everyone who volunteered last weekend and to everyone who has donated items and play equipment so far. Terling School community spirit was truly in action last weekend.
Lisa Curtis


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