We have some exciting news to share. Approximately 18 months ago, the school started their OPAL journey. This was spearheaded by Mrs Meares's vision and enthusiasm for play, recognising the importance of this on a child's social and mental development, particularly after Covid. The aim was to embed play and learning throughout the whole school and not just with the early years. Supported by the whole OPAL team, including staff, pupils, parents and the local community, with ideas, donations, hard labour and much more, we can now see what an amazing impact this has had on the school. Mr Kev has created some truly magical spaces and play equipment from things which people discarded. The school has been transformed and we can now tell you we have been accredited with a PLATINUM AWARD, scoring a whopping 96%, the highest our OPAL mentor has awarded. Thank you for your support, and thank you to the children for embracing it so wholeheartedly. 

To top this amazing achievement, we can also tell you, thanks to your shopping and token collecting we came first in the Tesco Stronger Starts bid winning the maximum award. This will be spent on OPAL equipment to make play times even more fun. Well done Team Terling! 

Lisa Curtis (Parent Governor)


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