After reading all of the amazing poetry submitted to Miss Doe for National Poetry Day and the poems written in class for the poetry contest, the staff have decided to appoint a Poet Laureate for the school. Our poet laureate will write poems throughout this academic year to mark events as they occur. This year the honour goes to Rex in year 6. Rex received a poetry book in this week's shine assembly to help inspire him. We look forward to his future poetry submissions!

Beautiful equivalence coming up sky high,
Life for them years ago wasn’t fly.
A month of appreciation,
Cause the black back then were getting hit with demonstration.
Killed black were for an unfair reason,

Police to them, crimes worse than treason.
Racism, a plague to our Earth, 
Its been hurting since near society’s birth.
Dawns in October paradise,
Ending the idea the black are rats and mice.

By Rex (Year 6)


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