On Thursday, Leylands class made their own healthy sandwiches for a school lunch. We all got sheets to plan our sandwiches. In the morning we set up each table for each food group. After that we got some plates and kitchen roll so that we could go round and collect the food we needed. Our options for bread were 50/50, bagel, wrap, roll and gluten free bread and wraps for   people who are gluten free including Mrs Partridge. We had to put out all the food on coloured plates neatly so it looked great. Our sandwiches were really yummy when we were able to eat them. Some people had strawberry yoghurts which were nice too. The teachers enjoyed their sandwiches as much as we did. 
By Stanley (year 4) 

On Thursday, Leylands class made their own healthy sandwiches for our school lunch. Our sandwiches were very healthy because we had all the food groups on our food pyramid. After we had done our food prep we got our actual lunch. For the bread we had 50/50 bread, wraps, rolls, bagels, gluten free bread and gluten free wrap for people that are gluten free including Mrs Partridge. We also had strawberry yogurt which people and teachers really liked. The teachers liked their sandwiches as much as we liked ours. Finally we went out to play. We had to put everything out on our own tables and Io had vegetables on my table. 
By Amber (year 3) 


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