Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - Navtivity Story

It was a joy to watch the  Reception Class and Year 1&2 pupils presentation of Nativity  story, ‘Are we nearly there yet?’. The children sang and spoke beautifully and were a real credit to their teachers and parents. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the two performances and laughed in all the appropriate places.  It was lovely to see so many parents, family members and friends at the production, who showed their appreciation of the children with spontaneous applause.  Many, many thanks to all the staff who not only worked very hard, gave the children such confidence to perform so well, but arranged costumes, set up scenes and so much more!  Keep it up children.  We are very proud of you!

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1 comment

sara - WOW you all look amazing and the play was excellent cannot wait to see it all again tomorrow!

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