Remembrance Day 2018

This week, Terling C of E Primary School have been thinking about Remembrance Day as part of our British Values celebration.

Remembrance Day is commemorated every year in Britain and in many countries around the world.  It is a day when we remember and think about the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who fought in the two world wars.  So many of these brave people gave their lives for us, and many more were badly injured. 

Many children have bought poppies, rulers, rubbers and wristbands from The Royal British Legion, a charity which supports the armed forces and their families. 

Children in Reception have each designed a poppy which they put together to make a wreath of poppies.   In Year 1 and 2 children have written a reflection following their discussion about Remembrance Day.  Year 3 and 4 children have designed and made their own poppies, using different materials and other various resources.  And the children in Year 5 and 6 have written poetry, using images from WW1 as their stimulus. 

On Monday, the children from Year 1 and 2 joined 500 other children from 11 schools in the district to perform a dance they have been learning for several weeks.   The 7 minute dance told the story of WW1 and it was a wonderful way to pay homage to all those who fought for us 100 years ago.  Many thanks to Mr Sime for ensuring we could take part, and to Miss Fifield and Miss Chard who helped learn the dance too. 

On Monday 12th November, we will hold a two minutes’ silence when we can remember the sacrifices that were made for us by armed forces during the world wars.


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