Thank you to all the children that applied to be School Councillors.  All their speeches were amazing and they were an absolute credit to themselves, the school and their classes; we are very proud of them.
The election was held on Wednesday afternoon.  All the children from Year 1 to Year 6 exercised their democratic right to vote for their new School Councillors in a secret ballot at a polling station set up in a classroom. 
Each child voted for one applicant by ticking the photograph of their chosen candidate and then posting their ballot paper into a ballot box.
Congratulations to the following children who we know will do a wonderful job.
The school council representatives for 2019 - 20 are:
Year 1/2 - Paige Harrington & Evie Notman
Year 3/4 - Maya Butcher & Dora Pieropan
Year 5/6 - Mia Oddie & Adam Lines

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