Sports Week 2018

Monday 2nd July

On Monday we were visited by the Little Musketeers to show us all the necessary skills to take part in a fencing match. The coach was on Team GB and has fenced at the top level for many years. The children learned the 'on guard' position, good footwork, blocking and striking. Many of the children had never experienced the sport before but listened carefully to the instructions and, by the end, were looking like professionals: mask, sword and all!

Tuesday 3rd July

Activitots took our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes on Tuesday morning to practice lots of different sport and even a bit of Maths. The children really enjoyed themselves and I'm hoping to find some time in our clubs list for them to return and deliver a regular club.

Wednesday 4th July

Wednesday was jam-packed! Year 3 and 4 made their way down to the pool for swimming and the climbing wall arrived first thing. The whole school got a chance to conquer all four sides of it. Mr Sime set himself his own challenge that every child at least got harnessed up and placed one foot on the wall. He needn't have worried, all of the children overcame their fears and outdid themselves. The more confident climbers climbed amazingly well and everyone gave it their best and should be very proud.

In the afternoon, Serita Solomon - the Team GB hurdler really put the children (and some of the teachers!) through their paces with a circuit including many exercises she completes on a daily basis. Serita cheered the children on and encouraged them to try as hard as they could. Afterwards we were treated to a truly inspirational assembly where Serita talked us through the challenges she had to overcome to perform at the top level. The children asked some really interesting questions and we all found out about the dedication it takes to be a top class athlete.

Wednesday 5th July

On Thursday, most of the children completed their Field events: including high jump, long jump and throwing. These scores will be collated to give us anĀ  overall team winner for Sports Week.

Friday 6th July

Friday saw the parents visit for a lovely picnic, followed by Sports Day. The children took part in balancing races first, followed by sprint races and finally the water tub challenge. They all performed admirably and the team scores were very close but the victors on the day were Team Trust! Well done to all of the children on what was a fun but very hot afternoon!

The final results will be revealed in Friday's newsletter! So, watch this space!

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