Each team played four matches of tag rugby on very well marked out pitches.
This is how Terling did. Our first match was very energetic but people kept running too lateral. We lost 7-5. At the end of every single match, both teams gave the other three cheers. Freddie was captain for all the games .
Our second match was better, we sorted out our mistakes in the first match, but we were out classed and didn’t get the rub of the green.
 We identified that on our restarts. We could attempt to get through a gap in the defence. We lost.
Our third was our best yet, we got some good scores but some handling errors cost us. We did very well in attack with good support plays 7-7.
In our fourth it was our best, with great sidesteps and support plays. Our best try went like this. Pass off utilising the overlap, a long pass to the middle of the pitch, a run for the corner and pass to go over. We lost, but narrowly.
Overall we finished 9th.
An interesting tournament (We had to get people who didn’t go to the club. For people that didn’t go to the club they did superbly) where there were good plays and great energy. 
By Gwynfor (year 6)


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