On Monday some children from years 5 and 6 went to the tag rugby tournament. Because there were only 8 of us we had to play non-stop and we were all very tired at the end of it!
We came 4th, which for the size of us was great. The only people we lost against came 1st, 2nd and 3rd so we nearly got bronze. We won 5 in a row which got us all really excited as we’ve never won that many before!
Our team was: Freddie, Frank, Toby, Alex, Scott, Edward, Maya and Innes. All of us won at least one tri (Rugby version of a goal). We all had a really fun afternoon and shared lots of jokes. 4th is the best place anyone can remember (including Mr Sime).
A special thank you to Mr Sime for taking us. It was a really great experience and a great birthday for Maya.
By Innes and Maya (Fardings)


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