We are pleased to inform you that today, our Year 3 and 4 students took part in the long awaited Tag Rugby Tournament after it was postponed from last term. Despite the unfavourable weather conditions, the children showed great resilience and sportsmanship throughout the event. 

We are delighted to share that our team performed admirably, with Daisy (year 4) sharing her excitement about their achievement. She mentioned that they secured 5th place and each team member received a well-deserved medal. Daisy's highlight was the victory against the green team.

Currently, we are eagerly awaiting the results of how Year 5 and 6 fared in the tournament, and we look forward to sharing their successes with you soon.

We would like to thank Mrs. Eggleton and Mrs. Thornhill for their dedicated supervision and support during the tournament. Their commitment ensured that the children had a positive and memorable experience.

Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement towards our students' participation in extracurricular activities.


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