The Taylors have all had another fantastic week of learning, exploring and creating.  Our Story of the week has been 'Stick Man 'and the Taylors have produced some wonderful interpretations of the story both in and out of class. The class all wrote their letters to Santa this week and it was wonderful to hear all their Christmas wishes. I will be posting them to the North Pole today and I think Santa will be very impressed with their handwriting skills. In maths we have been learning about four sided shapes and the Taylors have all completed their maths challenges independently throughout the week. The children have been very busy making lots of festive decorations that they are looking forward to bringing home to their families. The class also produced their Autumn two self-portraits and they look splendid on our classroom display, we hope you enjoyed seeing them on Tapestry. Well done Taylors for an excellent half term, Mrs Roberts 😊

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