Year 5 & 6 - Harry Potter World

On Tuesday 12th July, Year 5 and 6 had their end of year trip to the Warner Brothers, Harry Potter World. The children were exceptionally well behaved from the movement we left school to the moment we returned; they made the adults proud, with their sensible questions, polite manners and great behaviour.

During the day the children got to interact with real props from the film; have their photo taken on a broomstick and in the flying car, learnt how to command a wand; learnt inside secrets from the film; had a chance to try ‘Butter beer’; explored Harry Potters’ house; walked through Diagon alley; rode the Hogwarts Express; took a ride on the Night Bus; found all the hidden Snitch’s and so much more!!

The children were almost excited as the adults at seeing all of the amazing memorabilia, stage props.

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