Year 3/4 Trip to Chelmsford Cathedral

Firstly, we went on a hunt to find the different places in the Cathedral.

Then we learnt a song about a perfect world - we learnt sign language to go with it too! 

After listening to a bible story we then started our main activities. 

We learnt the story of Jonah and The Whale and reflected on questions such as 'if I were priminister for the day, what new laws would I introduce?' And 'the best thing about being my age is...'

We then talked about the gifts that were brought at the Christmas time to Jesus. We created our own gifts, some of us gave kindness, friendship and trust as our gifts. 

We then talked about the Lord's Prayer and learnt some hand signals to help us remember the prayer.  

Finally, we learnt about the Easter story and Holy Week which is celebrated at Easter.

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1 comment

Sara - Sounds like you all had an amazing day, did you see the 'Tree of Life' by Mark Cazalet?

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