Year 4 - Superstars Competition

On Tuesday afternoon our Year 4s hopped on a minibus to the Chelmsford Sports & Athletics Centre to compete in the Superstars competition.

Ruby and Mya helped kick the competition off by reading a short speech wishing the other schools luck and letting everyone know about our school values: Honesty, Friendship, Trust and Respect.

Our 13 children performed fantastically well and it was great to see them all try new things, some that even seemed a bit daunting at first. The organisers set the children an additional challenge; to talk to their teammates from other schools and learn at least 3 names. Mr Sime and Mr Simpson were rushed off their feet, being waved over by the children to be told that they had made new friends. The increase in confidence plain to see and eventually we found out that we had come second!

It was also nice to see some of our pupils that left the school last year: Poppy Smith and Niamh Sime. They were very helpful as were all of the Year 7 leaders from Saint John Payne.

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