Year 5/6 - Pirates of the Currybean

On Tuesday morning (17th July 2018), Years 5 and 6 did their dress rehearsal of this year's performance of Pirates of the Currybean. The whole school really enjoyed listening to the songs, joining in with the laughs and watching the characters on their adventure. The dress rehearsal went well but what was to follow was even better!

On Tuesday evening, the children returned to school ready to act out their performance. The buzz in the classroom was fantastic and everyone was really excited, even though some children had a few nerves. The show started and the children were amazed at the amount of laughs they received from the audience. This spurred them on and the acting, singing and slapstick comedy was performed at a level even better than expected.

The show ended with a huge roar of applause and the children took to the stage to take all the credit they deserved. They have worked really hard over the past couple of weeks. Some of them have learnt over 100 lines, sung solos and really come out of their comfort zone. A special mention to Frank who,  at the last minute, took on a part with just a week to go. Thank you! I want to say a huge thank you to all the children for making the performance such a success. A special mention also goes to my sister who painted all the scenery. Finally, a huge thank you to all the parents and grandparents who went out of their way to provide props and costumes.

What a performance!

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