
In order that our pupils can attain the highest standard (spiritual, moral, social, cultural and academic), we recognise the crucial importance of an active educational partnership between home and school. Homework is just one of the ways in which we seek to foster this partnership. Homework encompasses a whole variety of activities instigated by teachers and parents to support children’s learning.

Aims and Objectives

Regular, well planned homework can:

•    Enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development;
•    Develop good work habits and self-discipline for the future
•    Encourage skills and attitudes which help children improve their educational performance
•    Help parents gain insight into their child’s schoolwork and promote partnership between home and school.
•    Provide opportunities for individualised work and develop skills of independent learning
•    Offer access to resources not found in school (public libraries, local museums etc.)
•    Consolidate and reinforce learning done in school and assist in preparation for future class work.
•    Provide a context for pupil/parent interaction.

Homework is seen as ‘an essential part of good education that supports children’s development as independent learners’. We believe that homework is one of the main ways in which children can acquire the skill of independent learning.

What is Homework?

Homework should not be a chore, but children should see it as an extension of their schoolwork. There may be occasions when some tasks are more challenging or difficult than usual as homework plays a positive role in raising a child’s level of attainment. We also acknowledge the important role of play and free time in a child’s growth and development.

We see homework as encompassing a wide range of possibilities. The following list gives just a few examples:

•    reading with a parent
•    a family visit to a local museum
•    finishing off work from the class
•    undertaking individual research for a project at the local library
•    learning number facts ( tables )
•    literacy activities both written and verbal
•    being an active member of a sports club or youth organisation

It can be seen from this list that homework can be a two way process. Teachers may ask for tasks to be done at home, but are delighted to learn about children’s success in other aspects of their lives and will seek to recognise this in school.

What the school will offer

During each term of the school year every parent receives an invitation to meet with their child’s class teacher to discuss progress and areas of study to be undertaken in relation to the National Curriculum. These discussions will include information about the types of homework which might be set by school as well as indicating activities parents might wish to develop with their children.

When teachers set homework they will ensure that:

•    It is always clearly related to current areas of study within the classroom.
•    The task is made clear to children and matched to their abilities, especially for those pupils with special educational needs.
•    Time scales for completion and submission are explicit.
•    Problems or difficulties encountered by children are dealt with swiftly.
•    Regular completion of homework of a high standard is recognised and celebrated.
•    The impact of homework upon the standards of children’s attainment is monitored.
•    Opportunities for the regular, formal evaluation of homework are provided for teachers, parents and children as part of the on-going consultation arrangements.
•    All children will be expected to complete tasks. They will be given an opportunity to succeed in this through using a homework session in school leisure time if they continually fail to complete it.
•    Types and amount of homework are age appropriate