Overview of Sport Premium Funding 


2022 - 2023 Sport Premium Development Plan


Continuous Professional Development opportunities for staff

Teachers and Teaching Assistants will be offered a vast array of CPD opportunities to expand their lesson repertoire and develop new ideas for their curriculum lessons. CPD opportunities are crucial in a school that wishes to continue moving forwards and improving. Learning and teaching is monitored by the PE Co-ordinator on a regular basis to celebrate our strengths and address any weaknesses.

Specialist opportunities to inspire

We believe that children will lead healthy lives now, and in the future, if they are inspired and have a genuine understanding of the importance of eating healthily and staying active. We would like to provide the children with visitors and trips that will engage and motivate them to lead healthy lifestyles.

Supporting talented athletes

We are fortunate to have several pupils in school that are on pathways to regional and national success in a variety of sports. Terling aims to support these athletes with their time, school-work and equipment/transport, which would not be possible without funding from the school.

Membership to the Chelmsford School Sports Partnership

Joining the CSSP will provide ample opportunities for our staff and children to experience a wider range of PE and sport. Our members of staff now access a more thorough CPD programme through the Partnership, and children are attending a wide range of competitions and enriching events.


As of October 2017, it has become a statutory requirement for schools to publish swimming attainment levels. Our Sports Premium funding enables us to hire the village pool and employ an instructor to teach the whole of KS2 during the summer term.

National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety:
•    swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
•    use a range of strokes effectively
•    perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.


2022/2023 – 94% of children met all National Curriculum requirements including being able to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations