
At Terling we try to include many local environmental visits and educational visits linked to themes. This makes the work more interesting and realistic to your child. It should also help him or her to get to know the local area which is rich in heritage and woodland.

Most visits are arranged to link with curriculum work being covered. Recent visits have included: 

  • Colchester Zoo
  • Gunpowder Mills in Waltham Abbey
  • Chelmsford Cathedral
  • Wandlebury Country Park

Every other year the school runs a residential visit for years 5 & 6. This is always a visit which gives opportunities for individuals to participate in new and exciting experiences – canoeing, night hiking, abseiling, climbing, archery. 

For any trip other than local, we will contact you with the necessary information in advance. If the activity does incur cost to the school, you will be informed as to the total cost and we will ask you for a contribution. Whilst the contribution is voluntary, it should be borne in mind that if we are unable to raise the necessary money for the trip, it will be cancelled and a valuable educational experience missed.

Please help us to keep this essential part of the school alive. The Governors have adopted the LA policy on charging and remissions.