Welcome to FOTS (Friends of Terling School)

FOTS is an organisation of parents, grandparents, carers, teachers and members of the local community who work to encourage closer links between home and school.

As a parent with a child at our school, you are automatically a member of FOTS and we have regular meetings to which you are most welcome to attend. FOTS is often best known for its fundraising work however it also has an important social function, providing an opportunity for parents, teachers and pupils to get together. Funds raised by FOTS are intended to provide ‘extras’ not already provided by the school’s main income. The committee will work with the school to decide the best way to spend money raised.

In the past we have contributed to class trips to bring the price down for all parents, added books to the library, paid for annual magazine subscriptions, planters and plants for the garden among others.

How is FOTS run?

FOTS is run by a committee, consisting of a chair, vice-chair, treasurer, secretary and valuable committee members – we hope to see you soon.

When does FOTS meet and how can I help?

We have at least one committee meeting each term, with smaller working groups meeting in between to organise individual events. If you’ve got an idea for an event and are willing to arrange it then please come along and share at the meeting. Alternatively you can email the committee – foterlingschool@gmail.com

Events can not happen unless there are enough volunteers willing to arrange them and help out.

Dates of meetings will be advised by ParentMail.

How does FOTS communicate with members?

FOTS  uses the school's ParentMail system to advise members of upcoming events, meeting dates and agendas, and minutes of meeting held. Most of this information can also be found by clicking on one of the links at the top of this page.

Committee Members

Chair: Tamasin Curtis (Year 2 parent)

Vice-chair: Vacancy

Treasurer: Charlotte Thornhill (Year 3 & Year 2 parent)

Secretary: Rebecca Smith (Year 2 parent)