The SIAMS Schedule 2018

As a Church of England school, in addition to monitoring by OfSTED, we are also inspected under a system called the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). The SIAMS inspection takes place usually on a five yearly cycle but it can be earlier depending on circumstances. This is a national system which is organised, for our school, through the Diocese of Chelmsford. The SIAMS inspection is part of our ongoing process of school development and improvement.

From September 2018 there is a new SIAMS schedule in place with two significant changes. These are:

  • moving from making a judgement about the school based around four key questions to one key question, assessed under seven strands. These strands include the school’s Christian vision, collective worship and religious education. The key question is now, ‘How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish’; and,
  • moving from four possible judgements (Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement, Inadequate) to three – Excellent, Good and Requires Improvement. (Please note that there are certain specified circumstances when a judgement of ‘Ineffective as a Church school’ can be awarded as an overall judgement.)

We will be informed of our SIAMS inspection no more than 5 working days before it is to take place. Once the report is published all parents/carers will be given access to a copy. It will also be uploaded onto our website and on the websites of the Diocese of Chelmsford and the Church of England Education Office.

We expect our SIAMS inspection to take place sometime during the academic year. In the meanwhile our previous SIAMS inspection under the ‘old schedule’ (2013) is on our website.