Special Educational Needs

Every effort is made to input resources to children whom, at certain periods during their school life benefit from a little extra help. Should this need occur with your child, we will obviously consult with parents regarding the best ways to work together for the benefit of your child. If your child needs extra support, they will be placed on an intervention programme. They will be placed on a Provision Map, which details all the intervention programmes we offer. If your child has more serious learning, behavioural or emotional difficulties, they will be placed on School Support and a one page profile of your child’s strengths, needs and targets will be drawn up by the staff.

Some children may have Special Educational Needs or an Education, health, Care Plan, which sets out the assessed needs of your child and the level of support they are going to require in school.

As a school, we are fully inclusive and we work hard to make sure all children thrive and fulfil their potential regardless of their difficulties. The school follows the Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years, Statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities, January 2015.


SEND information report September 2023

SEND Policy - September 2023

The protection of children and young people with autism from violence and abuse

You can find more information about the Local Authority's offer at send.essex.gov.uk